Carpet & Flooring Stores Directory

Here you can find local carpet & flooring stores businesses listed in our UK business directory. Do you own a business related to carpet & flooring stores? Claim your free carpet & flooring stores business listing in this section today!

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Carpets on Finance - Manchester Business Directory

Carpets on Finance


Looking for interest free carpet finance in or around Greater Manchester or Cheshire? Carpets on Finance have got you covered! Visit our website today...

Carpet & Flooring Stores, Trafford 35-39 Flixton Rd, M41 5AW | Manchester Carpet & Flooring Stores

Moffett Carpets and Floors - Bangor Business Directory

Moffett Carpets and Floors


Based in Bangor we supply and fit carpet, vinyl, laminate flooring, artificial grass, and LVT (luxury vinyl tile). We have over 200 rolls of carpet an...

Carpet & Flooring Stores, Gwynedd 73 Green Road, BT19 7QA | Bangor Carpet & Flooring Stores