Flooring Surgeons

Hardwood Flooring & Accessories Halesowen B63


37 Windmill Hill
B63 2BZ

About us

Tradesmen by Flooring Surgeons

From humble beginnings, Flooring Surgeons has been founded on a decade worth of hard work, consistency and drive. With over 10 years of extensive experience in the field, we are known as the 'surgeons' when it comes to Floors. We specialise in the highest quality of flooring and consistently aim to provide our customers with the best possible service, but also with the best possible price.

Find us within Halesowen and postcode area B63
Halesowen, Dudley, West Midlands

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hardwood flooring in halesowen
flooring accessories in halesowen
free sampling service in halesowen

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Business listed: 5 years ago, # 376, 14 views, Edit