Vantage Auto Services

Newcastle Under Lyme ST4


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01782 614128

Car Garages & MOT


Areas we cover

newcastle under lyme


530 Shelton Road
Newcastle Under Lyme, Newcastle-under-Lyme

About us

Car Garages & MOT by Vantage Auto Services

Established in 1966, Vantage Auto Services set out with a distinct aim: to become the premier car service and repair centre in Newcastle Under Lyme and Staffordshire. Since our inception, we've upheld a steadfast commitment to our founding principles. From the outset, we pledged to keep our business within the family, a promise we continue to honour today. Beginning as a family-run enterprise, we remain steadfast in our dedication to maintaining our familial roots. If you are looking for a reliable car garage in the Newcastle Under Lyme area, reach out to us today.

Find us within Newcastle Under Lyme and postcode area ST4
Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, West Midlands

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Associated queries

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Business listed: 6 months ago, # 6772, 7 views, Edit